Thursday, January 7, 2010

Getting My Kids To Hook On Discipline

My first son wants to be breastfed all the time. He is willing to do anything for a suckle on my breast. Even though he is 2 years and 3 months old already but still no sign of weaning.

Lately he demands for comfort nursing, which I try to avoid because I have to utilize my time to meet all the household needs. So I decided to take his breastfeeding or comfort nursing as a reward instead of 'need'.

Everyday he has to collect good points for his nursing session. 1 good deed, 1 point, 1 nursing session. 1 naughty deed, 1 point deducted, 1 nursing session burns. So he has to do good deed and stop being naughty to get his milk.

However, from time to time I have to remind him that he has to be good or he'll lose 1 point.

I am not being too harsh on him. My intention is just to train him to be responsible on his manner and behavior. 2 years old is still a baby to me, however the good behaviour starts before birth. Furthermore he's going to nursery now and will enter kindergarten by end of this year, so he has not be treated as a below 1 year old baby.

It shows posistive sign since I introduced this system. He's not hitting his little brother as frequent as usual. So I might continue this reward-and-punish-up-to-you system to discipline my kids.